The force of a traumatic brain injury (also known as a TBI, concussion, or head injury) can damage or displace the delicate bones of the inner ear, rupture the eardrum, and disrupt parts of the brain responsible for auditory processing....
It’s All Connected: Surprising Ways Your Health Affects Your Hearing
In honor of World Health Day on April 7, 2019, let’s take a look at some surprising ways your physical health can impact your hearing health. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with hearing loss, consider asking your physician or dentist...
Tinnitus-Friendly Recipes
From sound-based therapies to mindfulness-based exercises, new ways to manage or reduce the sounds associated with tinnitus — a ringing, buzzing, or pulsing that has no external sound source — are being developed every day. Though there’s no cure, treatment...
Easy Ways to Boost Heart Health
The human body is complex. So complex, in fact, that some things you read about it might seem downright far-fetched. For example, your heart health affects your hearing health. The Heart–Hearing Link That might sound a little squirrelly, but it’s...
How Prevalent Really is Hearing Loss Among Americans and Canadians?
How many people in your life have hearing difficulties? One person? Two people? A handful? No one? The actual number is quite possibly more than you think, because hearing loss — the inability or reduced ability to perceive sounds that...
Making Moves — and Protecting Your Hearing, Too
Planning to bust some moves at the gym as part of your 2019 goals? You’re not alone. As a tried-and-true strategy for losing weight, feeling more fit, or simply stepping up physical activity for overall wellness, working out is a...
Self-Fitting Hearing Aids: Key Reasons to Consult a Hearing Care Professional Instead
Have you heard of self-fitting hearing aids (SFHAs)? Can they help if you have a hearing loss? What exactly are they, and how do they differ from traditional hearing devices fitted by a hearing care expert? What’s the best action...
No Bones About It: Osteoporosis May Nearly Double Risk of Sudden Hearing Loss
What does osteoporosis, a potentially debilitating disease affecting some 10 million Americans and 2 million Canadians, have in common with conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, dementia, and other selected conditions? It can go hand in hand...
Turn the Music Up, Dude — But Not Past 85 Decibels
You probably use your tablet or smartphone often to stream music, TV shows, or movies. In fact, many websites these days auto-play videos regardless of whether you want them to. Smartphones, tablets, and other types of portable music players (PMPs)...
Is Weight Connected to Hearing Loss?
Studies about weight often concern its relation to overall health. Common connections include weight and the risk for or prevalence of heart disease, diabetes, and sleep apnea, to name a few. One topic that doesn’t get as much attention is...